Mittelos Bioscience - The producers of the show have come out and said on the official Lost podcast that "Mittelos" is an anagram for "lost time." They've also alluded to the fact that time behaves differently on the island.
A Brief History of Time - Aldo, the guard that was watching over Karl was reading this book.
"Only fools are enslaved by time and space" - clever fans have run the entire room 23 scene in reverse, and have discovered these words spoken by a woman in the audio
(check it out here).
Finally, what exactly are the Mittelos recruiters asking Juliet to do? They show her a slide of a womb CT sequence. Juliet asseses that it is a human womb, and judging by the scan, most likely of a barren patient in her 70's. However, she is told that the woman is in fact just 26 years old, and that she could find out why if she joined them.
Ok, pause on all of these things for a second while we revisit something that happens in the book "Lost Horizon." The people who live in the valley of Shangri-La age very slowly. But in the end of the book, one of the women leaves the valley, heading into the snowy Himilayan Mountains. She seemed about 19 years old when she was in Shangri-La, but now that she's left, she begins to age very quickly, until she becomes a frail old woman.
Lost time indeed.